Cover Image for the project: MemeCam

Memes generated from a single picture

Cover Image for the project: Is it FUNKY?

Letting machine learning determine what is funky and boring

Cover Image for the project: Video Painter

Paint with video in Processing and openFrameworks

Cover Image for the project: fAIry tales

Forcing an to AI make up fairy tales from boring picture

Cover Image for the project: Eye Conductor

Play music with eye movements and facial gestures

Cover Image for the project: Sound Blocks

Exploring soundwaves through tangible interactions

Cover Image for the project: ml4a

Machine Learning for Artists

Cover Image for the project: Day&Night

Installation for New York Design Week by Circus Family

Cover Image for the project: Genetic Paintings

Paintings that use genetic algorithms to change as you look at them

Cover Image for the project: Eyerizon

Speculative Face Swapping Project

Cover Image for the project: Tank Notes

Musical game using motors and sliders